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Almost 6,000 converge on USEP Sports Dome in Davao for Restore Philippines Conference

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

Attendees rediscover the history of the Philippines as Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish and it's significant future in prophecy.

Timothy Jay Schwab from The God Culture teaches restored history and Bible geography to a packed house in Davao. The roof was raised.

The Conference

Thoroughly researched, well supported with Biblical truths, strongly convicted.” - Bishops Rod and Ruth Cubos, Christ the Healer International Missions Movement

It was not just another humid, fall Saturday in Davao as thousands begin to pile into the Sports Dome at University Of Southeastern Philippines. Young and old alike converse in anticipation of learning the true history of their ancestors. They knew they were not third-world citizens but something more – much more. The CTHIMM Worship Team opened with a roar as all of the crowd sang in unison worshipping the Creator. Timothy Jay Schwab, then, delineated 6 hours of evidence and knowledge as the crowd physically reacted the entire day. In the end, as this geography was restored all realized the Philippines is, in fact, in the Bible many times. As Bishop Rod closed out the gathering with overwhelming emotion, a people is beginning to rise and prophecy shall be fulfilled.

This revolutionary book is an eye-opener as it challenges what is now accepted as truth by probing history with unquestionable pieces of evidence. It is high-time for this book to spread like wildfire as it answers one of the most important issues in the Bible – the origin of the Kingdom. Tim is a shouting voice whose only agenda is to seek the truth and expose it to the world. His study unearthed the true identity of the Filipinos as Ophirians. I highly recommend this book for it will be an important key to bringing revival to this nation and generation, it is a piece of the puzzle that will complete the bigger picture in this end times.” - Bishops Rod and Ruth Cubos, Christ the Healer International Missions Movement

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Bishops Rod and Ruth Cubos and their team pose with Timothy Jay Schwab, Anna Zamoranos-Schwab and a full house.


Dec 11, 2021


Dec 11, 2021

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