Solomon's Gold Series Playlist
Years ago, we began our journey in search of Ophir one topic at a time. Years and millions of views later, many are now enlightened as to the location of Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish in the Philippines. In this video docu-series, we exhaust just about every aspect of this topic and conclude with certainty that we found the ancient land of gold in the Philippines. Your turn to examine the evidence.
Flood Series Playlist
Do you believe the Bible narrative regarding the Flood? Can we believe or is it a fairy tale. We explore the Bible story in detail and bring in the Book of Jubilees with Noah's directions around the Earth. In the end, you will find the Bible remains as truth.
Original Canon Series Playlist
Who lived in Qumran? Not occult, gnostic Essenes who lived 25 miles South and archaeology proves that. Review the evidence that John the Baptist and the Levite Priests exiled from the Temple lived in Qumran and their library, would be called the Bible today. Test it for yourself. In progress.
The Name of God Series Playlist
Did you know God has a name and only one? All else are titles but YHWH is His name recorded over 6,800 times in the original Hebrew. This is confirmed in especially the Dead Sea Scrolls where all but one modern Old Testament book was found there. I t is also even etched into history in archaeology. But how do we pronounce it? For starters, we must apply the appropriate language which is Ancient Hebrew and not modern Hebrew which is Yiddish-infused. This is simple when one applies the accurate language and paradigm and you can learn this in this series along with the name of the Son who cannot be accurately expressed in the word form Jesus but shares the name of the Father and His People which are never nor can be rendered as Jews but also share the name of the Father as He branded them as His. This is a critical issue especially in these last days.
100 Clues Series Playlist
We have been breaking down our Solomon's Gold Series into largely 15-20 minute segments in a series for those who have not had time to absorb all the detail. Though the original series is the most powerful in that these topics require full sets, this will allow some to begin to learn in their way. In progress. About 60 videos complete in English.
Sabbath Series Playlist
Why did God Create the Sabbath on the 7th Day of Creation? What is it's significance in history? Are we to keep the Sabbath today? The Bible is extremely concise about the origin of this practice from the beginning, in the days of Enoch, Noah and Abraham before there was an Israel, in the time of Moses through the prophets and yes, most definitively in the time of Messiah who kept and taught the Sabbath. We then find His apostles continuing the Sabbath even after His ascension and even Paul practiced and taught the Sabbath which never changed even in the early church initially. The real question is what authority has ever existed who can overrule the writing of the finger of God Himself, the practice and words of Messiah and His followers to land on something completely unbiblical? This will open your eyes to an ancient truth that will change your life.
Doctrines of Men Series Playlist
Most are at least aware there are doctrines even in the Catholic and Protestant churches today that do not actually originate in the Bible but the doctrines or interpretations of men. This new series will explore some of these doctrines and resolve them with scripture. It is then up to you to follow what the Bible says instead of the traditions of men. No doctrine is off-limits as any such representing the truth will pass the test. If it fails, we must all reconsider such.
Prophetic Warning Series Playlist
This series does not represent new prophecy but is based on modern events that tie to Bible prophecy from thousands of years ago. As the Philippines is Ophir, Sheba and Tarshish, it certainly appears in prophecy many times which we cover in Solomon's Gold Series. Watch as we assess modern events which statistically match these prophecies and warnings of continuing practices flat out rebuked by scripture which we expose with history documenting such worship as pagan prior to the birth of Messiah, Mary. Every Filipino should be made aware just what originates in the Bible and what definitively does not. It is then up to you to follow the Bible.
Feasts of YHWH Series Playlist
What happened to the Biblical Feast days defined in scripture hundreds of times? Why do we find them continuing in the New Testament even after Messiah's ascension? Why do we find them in the early church even? Who had authority to replace them with pagan holidays not in the Bible? If they passed away, would God truly abolish them only for us to keep those of pagan origins instead? Why is Christmas not in the Bible? Why is Easter only there once but the same word as Passover meaning it was never a new holiday called Easter? Are we being taught to profane His Feasts and eat food sacrificed to idols?